Massachusetts Butterfly Club

Can You ID This Butterfly?

1. Mouse over the photo to see the species name.  
2. Click the photo to see the
species web page.  
3. Click here to see a new photo.

Request for donations to the Massachusetts Butterfly Club

Hi all:

As a member of the Massachusetts butterfly community, you know of the significant impact that the Massachusetts Butterfly Club has on all of us who treasure these insects through its many activities. These activities include, but are not limited to:

  • The semi-annual publication of its well respected Journal
  • The thirty-plus butterfly walks that the Club runs each year throughout the state
  • The fifteen July 4th butterfly counts that the Club schedules
  • The collection of sightings data that has already contributed to scientific studies
  • The collation of the sightings data to provide members and the public with useful, summarized information about butterflies on a checklist - The checklist, which is periodically updated, has charts of flight periods, species occurrence in eastern/western/island MA, and overwintering status.
  • The semi-annual educational meetings it holds each year and its many communications with its members throughout the year
  • The club website which features the unique ability to compare butterflies with side-by-side photos
  • The assistance it provides to other groups including education, talks, butterfly inventories, or walks
  • The Monarch Guardian Certificate and Honor Roll which awards those who raise a Monarch and release it into the wild
  • The attractive hats and t-shirts that it sells to raise funds to continue its activities

The financial cost of all of these activities far exceeds the $5 that NABA sends to the Club each year for every Massachusetts member who joins (or renews) membership in NABA.

In order to continue the Club s operations, we need to receive financial support from each of you who care deeply about our butterflies and your Club s efforts supporting the conservation and appreciation of these insects.

We offer two options for you to contribute. You may contribute any amount.

  Option 1 - send a check to our Treasurer
     (Please make check payable to:
             Massachusetts Butterfly Club)

  Option 2 - donate to the Massachusetts Butterfly Club
            using PayPal
  This will show the recipient as:
  North American Butterfly Association Inc. (Naba Massachusetts)


As the Club is a chapter of NABA and, therefore a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, the full amount of your donation is tax deductible for those who itemize deductions on their federal income tax return.

All of us who support the contributions of the Club to the knowledge and protection of our Massachusetts butterflies deeply appreciate your willingness to support its efforts through your important donation at this time. Please take a minute now and make your contribution.

If you have any questions, please contact the President.